Tag Archives: Beat the heat

Mango Coconut Lime Ice Pops

It is undoubtedly the summer of ice pops. This week we’re going tropical with mango and coconut, with some lime thrown in, because we’re fancy like that.

The first time I made them, I layered the coconut and mango to make them striped. While they made for a gorgeous picture, I found that the mango-lime layer was too tart and the coconut layer was too sweet. So, I am recommending that you throw aesthetics aside (not something I am prone to doing lightly), for the greater good of taste, and forgo the lovely layers. When you blend everything together the harmony of flavours is exceptional.

You could of course buy fresh mangoes, sit them on your countertop and wait several days for them to ripen. But it’s bloody hot and we want our ice pops NOW, so buy a bag of frozen chopped mango.

Chances are, If you have any millennials in the house, there’s already a bag of frozen mango in your freezer along with the ubiquitous container of protein powder in the cupboard, and kale and spinach in the fridge. My daughter is visiting for the summer , so we are well stocked on all the smoothie ingredients.

Into the blender go frozen mangoes, lime zest and juice, coconut milk, a bit of sweetened condensed milk and a touch of heavy cream.
You could leave them unadorned or accessorize them with a quick dip in melted white chocolate and toasted coconut. Your choice. No judgement here.

Click here to print recipe for Mango Coconut Lime Ice Pops.

Beat the Heat with Watermelon Spears

Here’s how I’ve been amusing myself this week – making watermelon spears. This is a fantastic  kitchen hack. So much fun to do and eat. (Clearly, I am easily amused!)remove spear 2Start with a large oblong watermelon and if my mom is around, make sure you wash the skin very well. I must admit she’s right, since a quick cleaning will eliminate the chances of transferring whatever’s on the outside of your watermelon to the inside when you cut into it. Cut watermelon in half widthwise.Za'atar Chicken_1Stand one half, cut side down. Using a large sharp knife, cut into slices about 1-2 inches apart.slicing across 1Now, here’s where it helps to have large hands like me. Hold the top of the watermelon, so that the slices stay together and cut across the other way into slices. Like rows and columns on a spreadsheet.slicing across 2How cool is this?remove spear 1Like an edible game of Jenga. Go ahead, you’ll thank me later.Watermelon jenga