Tag Archives: Homeland

Wedding Vows and Coconut Sugar Cookie Hearts


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Chances are, if you are married, you have uttered the phrase, “I promise to love you in sickness and in health.” Fortunately, for my husband and I, that sentence has yet to be tested extensively. I got a glimpse into our future this past week, and I feel very optimistic about the state of our marriage.

While away on holiday I started to feel dizzy, lightheaded and my sense of balance was off. It seemed to be at its worst when I had to change positions and move from sitting to standing or lying down to standing. I took it easy for a few days but by the 5th day, it wasn’t getting any better. My husband made some phone calls and e-mails and we were waited for a recomendation as to where to find a doctor.

I was feeling a little better so we decided to go do a little shopping at Target. Now, if you are American, this may sound like the most boring thing in the world to do while on holiday. If you are Canadian, then perhaps you understand. My heart races just a little bit faster whenever I enter a Target parking lot. I felt sad when I got the news that Target is coming to Canada, becuse there aren’t that many small thrills left in life!

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